WOODEN life Shines at the Spring Consumer Exhibition in Frankfurt

WOODEN life Shines at the Spring Consumer Exhibition in Frankfurt

We're excited to share that we recently participated in the Spring Consumer Exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, which took place on February 3. After a three-year hiatus, this prestigious international consumer goods exhibition returned in full force, making it the largest in history.

With a massive exhibition area of 310,240 square meters and 4,635 companies from 93 countries, the event attracted a staggering 108,000 buyers from 167 countries around the world. It was an incredible success, setting a new high for this year's spring consumer goods exhibition.

As a proud participant in this event, we were thrilled to showcase our products and connect with potential buyers. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and we were delighted to see so many attendees coming to our booth to learn more about our brand and products.

We had fully prepared for this grand exhibition and our efforts paid off with enthusiastic interest from numerous buyers who came to consult and negotiate with us. It was a great opportunity for us to showcase our products and connect with potential customers from all around the world.

We're proud to have been part of this grandevent and look forward to continuing to innovate and provide the highest quality products to our customers.


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